Active Silica GWL 80

as produced (moist, not milled)

    Chemical and physical properties:

chemical analysis unit typical
moisture (110 °C) % 35
referring to dry product (110 °C):
loss on ignition % 8,5
SiO2 % 81
MgO % 6,8
CaO % 0,6
Al2O3 % 0,8
Fe2O3 % 1,3
Cr2O3 % 1,3
MnO % 0,02
NiO % 0,1
Cl % 0,9


other characteristics
specific surface area m2/g > 150
bulk density kg/l 0,9
grain size:
< 0,063 mm % ca 1
> 1,0 mm % < 1
d50 mm ca 0,2






All information is given on the basis of measured figures which have been determined during long production periods and according

to normal analytical practice or to own standards of the producer (our supplier), respectively. However, further developments and

adaptations of products according to the requirements of customers may result in changes of the above figures.