Magnesium chloride flakes

Description of the product:

magnesium chloride flakes come in the form of small white flakes of magnesium chloride hexahydrate (MgCl2 x 6H2O). The product is used in many industries for a wide variety of applications, including animal feed supplements, fertiliser mixtures, deicing fluids, oxychloride cements, cooling systems etc.

Chemical composition

MgCl2 % min. 47
MgSO4 % max. 0,6
KCl % max. 0,8
NaCl % max. 0,9
Br % max. 0,7
CaSO4 % max. 0,2
Fe mg/kg max. 10
As mg/kg max. 0,1
Cd mg/kg max. 0,1
Pb mg/kg max. 1,0
Zn mg/kg max. 0,5
pH max. 8


  • 25 kg net bags on 1.250 kg net pallets (50 bags x 25 kg). Material is in the continuous sale. Full truck loads of 23,75 MT each.
  • big-bags of 1000 kg net (standard) or 500 kg net (option) on 1 MT pallets. Material is imported only on customer’s order, not always available in 500 kg big-bags. Full truck loads of 24,00 MT each.

Storage and handling

Magnesium chloride flakes are very hygroscopic product. Store it in a dry place and quickly reseal open bags.