Zircon flour Armin 325

  1. Chemical Composition (%):
Oxide Typical % Minimum % Maximum %
ZrO2 + (HfO2) 66,0 65,0
SiO2 32,7
TiO2 0,18 0,30
Fe2O3 0,07 0,15
Al2O3 0,47
  • Activity (U238 + Th232)                                                                    4 Bq/g ± 2,5% (typical)
  1. Particle Size:
  • wet sieve method
Typical Maximum
Residue at 45 µm 0,55% 0,75%
  1. Uses: Armin 325 is widely used for its refractory and opacifying properties in the glass, foundry, refractory, plastic and ceramic industries. Armin 325 is used for the production of frits in ceramic industries.
  2. Packing: bulk, 25 kg bags and 1.200 kg big-bags.
  3. General Terms: product specifications are based on information given by our supplier as part of His Quality Assurance System. Nevertheless, that does not release customers from their reception controls. They must also practise their own tests to determine if product fits into requirements of the aim it is going to be used for.