Amorphous silica Gulsenit 0/60

Characteristics: amorphous silica Gulsenit 0/60 consists of natural silicates with a high specific surface.

method typical
Chemical data: SiO2 AA8.2.1.11.*               [%] 78,0
MgO AA8.2.1.11.*               [%] 5,0
CaO AA8.2.1.11.*               [%] 0,9
R2O3 AA8.2.1.11.*               [%] 7,0
L.O.I. 1050°C/1h                   [%] 8,0
Physical data: grain size           
> 60 µm Sedigraph                     [%] 27
bulk density EN 459-2             [kg/dm3] 0,65 – 0,75
specific surface AA8.2.1.8.* – BET  [m2/g] 100 – 120


*…… internal test method



The data given above is typical values targeted by production and are checked by quality control of our supplier with the help of the mentioned methods. It is still the user’s duty to control the product upon delivery. Our supplier reserves the right to modify the manufacturing process of this product. As presented product is a processed natural mineral, variations in the concentration of accompanying minerals are possible. This edition cancels and replaces all previous editions of this document.