Silica flours GW

The micro-milled sands – silica flours GW are produced by milling in a ironless environment, by classification with use of air separators. The raw material used for the production of micro-milled sands – silica flours GW is treated silica sand with SiO2 content above 99 %. The chemical purity, favorable particle size distribution, chemical inertia and hardness of micro-milled sands – silica flours GW are appreciated in the production of glass fibers, ceramic enamels, glazes, as a filler in plastics, in the production of special mortar mixtures, tile adhesives and in the foundry industry for the production of moulds. The sands are being sold dried, in bulk or in bags, transported on trucks or wagons.


Grades ► GW 02 GW 06 GW 07 GW 08 GW 09 Unit Method
Middle grain size (d50) 27 16 12 9 6 μm laser
Grain surface 3274 4379 5407 6122 8592 cm2/g laser
Bulk weight 1,19 0,99 0,99 0,93 0,92 kg/l
> 90 μm 3 % screening
> 63 μm 9,2 % screening
> 45 μm 6 4,6 0,6 0,25 % screening
> 40 μm 19 % screening
> 45 μm 31 10 4,5 0,7 0,2 % laser
> 40 μm 35 15 9 2 0,6 % laser
> 32 μm 44 23 17 7 2 % laser
> 20 μm 58 43 33 22 10 % laser
> 15 μm 66 52 43 33 17 % laser
> 10 μm 73 63 57 48 29 % laser
> 5 μm 83 76 69 64 46 % laser
> 2 μm 93 90 83 79 71 % laser
> 1 μm 97 96 95 95 93 % laser


SiO2 99,6
Fe2O3 0,03
Al2O3 0,2
CaO + MgO 0,1
Na2O + K2O 0,1


Density (g/ml) 2,65
Hardness, Mohs 7
Loss by annealing (%) 0,2
Humidity (%) max. 0,2
pH 6,4


Silica sands are improved natural raw materials. The above-mentioned information is based on average values. The data should be considered as indicative. Occurrence of coarser or finer fractions in trace quantities is possible. The user should test the product and consider, whether it is suitable for the desired purpose. On the customer’s request we can discuss the tolerances of the products data.

Sale and delivery is always based on agreed commercial conditions and relevant producer standard or a quality agreement.