Glass sands GW

Sands with extremely high content of SiO2 are an exclusive raw material for the glass industry, for the silicate chemistry products and for a wide range of use in other industrial areas. The sands are being sold wet or dried, in bulk or in bags, transported on trucks or wagons.


Grades ► GW 08G GW 10 GW 15 GW 21 GW 40 Unit Method
Middle grain size (d50) 0,33 0,31 0,30 0,31 0,25 mm screening
AFS 41 43 45 47 59 screening
Bulk weight 1,43 1,43 1,46 1,46 1,48 kg/l
> 800 μm % screening
> 630 μm 0,3 0,3 0,5 0,5 0,21 % screening
> 500 μm 5 4 2 5 3,33 % screening
> 400 μm 16 11 10 15 7,5 % screening
> 315 μm 37 32 33 32 17 % screening
> 200 μm 37,6 45,6 44 34,5 40,4 % screening
> 100 μm 4 7 10 12 30 % screening
< 100 μm 0,10 0,1 0,5 1 1,56 % screening



Grades ► GW 08G GW 10 GW 15 GW 21 GW 40
SiO2 99,7 99,7 99,7 99,3 99,2
Fe2O3 0,008 0,010 0,015 0,021 0,040
Al2O3 0,10 0,10 0,2 0,2 0,3
TiO2 0,02 0,02 0,05 0,1 0,13


Density (g/ml) 2,65
Hardness, Mohs 7
Loss by annealing (%) 0,08 – 0,25
Humidity in a wet state (%) max. 8,0
Humidity in a dry state (%) max. 0,2
pH 7,3


Silica sands are improved natural raw materials. The above-mentioned information is based on average values. The data should be considered as indicative. Occurrence of coarser or finer fractions in trace quantities is possible. The user should test the product and consider, whether it is suitable for the desired purpose. On the customer’s request we can discuss the tolerances of the products data.

Sale and delivery is always based on agreed commercial conditions and relevant producer standard or a quality agreement.