S-ZBC (zirconium basic carbonate grade S)


  • moist, white zirconium basic carbonate powder
  • high solubility in acids


Main applications:

  • paint driers
  • antiperspirants
  • paper coatings
  • intermediate for the synthesis of Zr-based chemicals


Typical chemical analysis:

ZrO2 + HfO2 40 %*
SO4 < 500 ppm
Cl < 500 ppm
Na2O < 500 ppm
SiO2 < 50 ppm
Fe2O3 < 20 ppm
Al2O3 < 20 ppm
TiO2 < 20 ppm

* measured by Loss On Ignition at 1000°C



(ZrO2), nCO2, mH2O



  • 25 kg plastic bag
  • 500 kg and 1 ton big-bag (custom size big-bags are also available on request)


All of the above data represent typical values which may vary for each shipment. Final users must practice their own tests to determine if product fits into requirements of the aim it is going to be used for.