CZ Zirconias


  •             monoclinic zirconia powders with a high chemical purity
  •             particle sizes suitable for a large range of applications

Main applications

  •             ceramic colours
  •             thermal barriers
  •             optical glasses
  •             structural ceramics
  •             refractory applications

Typical chemical analysis (ppm)

  ZrO2 + HfO2* SiO2 Na2O TiO2 Fe2O3 Al2O3 Cl
CZ > 99,9 % 50 20 10 20 20 500
CZ-P > 99,9 % 50 20 10 20 20 150

* by difference


Particle size & specific surface area


D90 (µm) / 10 / 10
D50 (µm) < 250 4 < 250 4
D10 (µm) / 1 / 1
SSA (m2/g) / 6 / 3


Analytical method:

  • specific surface area by B.E.T.
  • particle size distribution by laser diffraction

Other particle sizes and SSA can be available upon request


Crystal structure

  • 100% monoclinic


  • 25 kg moisture proof paper bags
  • 25 kg plastic drums upon request
  • big-bags