Monoclinic Zirconia Q1


Monoclinic Zirconia Q1 is available as a dense grain, a hollow bubble, a crushed bubble,
and a powder.

  • The dense grain is used in magnesia stabilized zirconia formulations which are stabilized
    in-situ. It is also used as a source of zirconia for AZS refractories and as an additive to dolomite refractories for increased thermal shock resistance.
  • The bubble is frequently used as a bulk high temperature thermal insulation, primarily
    in induction melting furnaces. It is also a primary source of zirconia for the production of fused cast AZS refractories. A calcined, low-silica (<0,15%), variety is crushed and tightly sized for use as
    a setting/packing sand for firing titanates and ferrites.
  • The powder is used in partially stabilized zirconia refractory formulations to optimize
    the % monoclinic phase. It is also the most widely used face coat for ceramic molds used in the investment casting of nickel alloys. Other applications include ceramic molten metal filters for stainless steel casting, spark plug formulations, and ceramic colors.

All products are available in a variety of sizes customized to your specific application.
All zirconia is produced from low urania/thoria zircon sand.


Typical chemical analysis

Zirconia + Hafnia ZrO2 + HfO2 99,00 %
Hafnia HfO2 1,70 %
Magnesia MgO 0,05 %
Silica SiO2 0,25 %
Calcia CaO 0,05 %
Titania TiO2 0,20 %
Iron Oxide Fe2O3 0,05 %
Alumina Al2O3 0,40 %
Uranium + Thorium U + Th <500 ppm



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