Magnesium hydroxide MagShield® S NB-10 & UF NB-10

Stearate Coated Magnesium Hydroxide for Flame Retardant, Polyolefin and PVC Applications

DESCRIPTION MagShield® magnesium hydroxides are available with specific stearate coatings
to enhance their performance in thermoplastic resins. The treatment can improve physical properties and allow increased loadings.
USES The MagShield® coating is applied by a proprietary process directly reacting
the fatty acid with the surface of the magnesium hydroxide. This process provides the advantage of consistent coating levels with good compatibility improvement
and minimum agglomeration. This material is available in different screen sizes:Standard (MagShield® S NB-10) and Ultra-Fine (MagShield® UF NB-10). These MagShield® products can be treated with different surface modifiers for improved compatibility and performance in thermoplastics.
COMPOSITION   Typical Specification
Magnesium Hydroxide, Mg(OH)2 % 98.8 98.5 min.
Calcium Oxide, CaO % 0.55 0.70 max.
Silica, SiO2 % 0.20 0.30 max.
Aluminium Oxide, Al2O3 % 0.07 0.10 max.
Iron Oxide, Fe2O3 % 0.10 0.18 max.
Chloride, Cl % 0.20 0.32 max.
Sulphate, SO3 % 0.01 0.05 max.
Loss on Ignition % 30.5 30.0 min.
PHYSICAL PROPERTIES     MagShield® S NB-10 MagShield® UF NB-10
Typical Typical
Loose Bulk Density, g/ml 0.40 0.40
Mohs Hardness 2.5 2.5
Hunter* Color 96 96
Surface Area, m2/g 12 13
Specific Gravity 2.38 2.36
TAPPI** Brightness, % 95 95
Particle Size, microns d97 17 8
d90 11.5 5
d50 4.2 1
d30 1.0 0.5

*Hunter = Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc.

**TAPPI = Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry

PACKAGING Available in 55.1 lb (25 kg) polyethylene-lined, multi-walled bags on shrink wrapped pallets, big bags of 1000 kg and bulk trucks.


MagShield® is a trademark of Martin Marietta Magnesia Specialties, LLC


This product is produced by Martin Marietta Magnesia Specialties, LLC and distributed in Poland by “GrayWolf” W.Szwaja in cooperation with M.A.F. Magnesite B.V.

Notice: The information contained herein is, to the best of our supplier’s knowledge and belief, accurate. Any recommendations or suggestions made are without warranty or guarantee of results since conditions of handling and of use are beyond our control; we therefore, assume no liability for loss or damage incurred by following these suggestions. Seller warrants only that this product will meet the specifications set forth. Any other representation or warranty, either express or implied, is specifically disclaimed including warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and of merchantability. Seller’s and manufacturer’s only obligation shall be to replace such quantity of the product proved to be defective. Before using, user shall determine the suitability of the product for user’s intended application and user assumes all risk and liability whatsoever in connection therewith. Neither seller nor manufacturer shall be liable in tort, contract or under any theory for any loss or damage, incidental or consequential, arising out of the use of or the inability to use the product.